That's right you read that right; we are not talking about Ariel the famous little mermaid from the Disney cartoon or mythological figures, but about girls in flesh and blood.
In fact, some years ago a specialized course was born among the most curious jobs in the world, teaching girls how to move like a mermaid.
Originally a veterinary, the Brazilian Carol Catan has been a professional mermaid since 2012, as she has always had this desire since she was a child after having seen the film "Splash" – a mermaid in Manhattan (1984).
In addition to her classes, Carol is also paid to perform in the aquariums in the summer and to attend children's parties.
As she herself says, however, what satisfies her most is volunteering, in fact she often goes to hospitals with her costume sitting on a wheelchair to entertain and give carefree hours and joy to disabled children.
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The girl is very close to the stories of these children and thanks to her skills she has managed to create a sort of clown therapy only that she does not use her red nose and wig to snatch a smile, but her mermaid tail which made her a celebrity.
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