
Go 4 All – Pamela and Fabrizio, "we also travel seated because the wheelchair is not a limit"

Pamela Cazzaniga and Fabrizio Marta share the same passion for travel. Unfortunately, they both live in a wheelchair. However, their disability did not prevent them from being citizens of the world, on the contrary it was an extra incentive to show themselves and others that wanting is power! If many people in wheelchairs believe that walking independently through the streets of the center of any Italian city is impossible, due to impassable architectural barriers, for   Pamela and Fabrizio has never been so despite the first has become paraplegic as a result of a traffic accident at the age of twenty years, while the second is born with the 'osteogenesis imperfecta (a genetic disease characterized by bone fragility subject to fractures multiple spontaneous), not only have both shown to be able to break down and overcome every type of physical and cultural barrier on a psychophysical level, they have also managed to launch   projects to encourage other people with disabilities who want to travel but fear they will not be able to tackle the problem of   architectural barriers, th e s i could present along any way wish to undertake. Pamela had initially created her personal blog, ( ilmondodipamela.it ) in order to spread and illustrate her adventures online, showing that even a person in a wheelchair, with a little more organization, can travel the world like any other. Later, Ludovico Scortichin i, already founder of several important Tour Operator magazines such as:   go to Asia go to America and go Pacific , taking a cue from its portal created "go4all.it" , a tour operator specializing in travel for the disabled . In order to receive more information on the subject, anyone can consult the site go4all.it,   where you can find a series of accessible destinations and those that are only partially accessible . Anyway, they have all been tested by Pamela personally. There is also a list of barrier-free hotels that have hosted her for the duration of her travels. In this way, the agency is able to offer each user a customized package according to their needs. Click here to discover all our travel proposals for the disabled and accessible !! If on the one hand, Pamela's testimony has turned into a useful service for disabled people , who want to embark on a journey to a predetermined destination, on the other hand " Rotelando ", Fabrizio's project in addition to combining the multimedia, iconographic and experiential,   pays particular attention to the approach that the different peoples of the countries in which he is hosted have towards his disability . It is interesting to note that 25 years ago, in California the disability of an individual went unnoticed, while here in Italy still today, people with disabilities are "the special observers of the situation" . Even more surprising is to read what Fabrizio himself declared: "[…] Also in other countries there are obstacles with which we have to deal […] What changes compared to Italy is the will of the population in supporting the disabled person when the physical barrier is insuperable . […] Although Morocco is a backward country especially in terms of architectural barriers, the locals try to fill this gap by offering their hospitality to the disabled person as best can he." Paradoxically, situations of great humanity and normality arise in such highly degrading contexts. It is precisely in similar circumstances that those with a disability are treated like any resident of the place, because in fact in Africa the concept of architectural barriers does not exist, as the land is almost totally scattered with stones and ditches, and it is for these reasons that disability is not experienced by the population as an extraordinary peculiarity; if this were not the case, the conception of disability as diversity would assume a negative conception. This massive work of information and awareness by Pamela and Fabrizio, testifies that the limits reside in our minds. What is certain is that it would be enough to make a society more accessible to all and, through greater willpower on the part of disabled people in facing the difficulties of life, benefits could be drawn on a par. From another perspective, it is also true that there are people who live with a very serious disability, so even the idea of making a trip is a utopia. Furthermore, we must not underestimate the emergence of all the anxieties and fears of not being able to manage on the part of those who have never traveled. In these cases, before leaving, it is strictly necessary to follow a path to get into the right mindset, which allows you to live this experience in the best possible way. Obviously, knowing that there are disabled people who travel the world despite all adversities, spurs those who tremble with the desire to do so but fail because they remain trapped in their own doubts and fears. Andrea De Chiara

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